Packing list for the school trip

Packliste für die Klassenfahrt

With the start of the new school year, parents have a few things to do. The children need new things for school and the next school trip is just around the corner . Basically, the packing list for the school trip should contain as much as necessary and as little as possible. The children must have all the important things with them, but should not carry any additional baggage with them.

With a school trip packing list from school or as a download, you can save a lot of effort and even have fun putting your luggage together. This way you know exactly what you should pack in your suitcase or travel bag and what you  need to take with you on a school trip .

The teacher often provides packing lists that help with preparation; they also contain, among other things, tips that can be useful. Optionally, you can create a list yourself or download it from the internet; with checklists you can easily check off point by point . This ensures that you don’t forget anything important and you can go through everything in peace.

A packing list for the school trip – which basics students should take with them and what is important

There are some basics that should not be missing from any school trip packing list , regardless of the destination. Basically, the students need clean clothes for a few days ; the recommendation of the weather report can help here. The school trip packing list should always take the weather into account so that the child doesn’t miss anything.

Packing list for the school trip


If it’s going to be warm, shorts and several T-shirts, as well as sunscreen and a hat to protect your head, are suitable. On cold days, children also need gloves, a thick jacket and a warm hat. A small umbrella should be packed just in case. If the weather is unclear, the onion principle has proven useful, where different layers of clothing are carried and the child can always take something off when the temperatures rise.

Use your own checklist and follow school guidelines

Day trips or other activities are always regularly planned on school trips; the child must have a daypack to carry food with them. When going for a walk or hike, you need comfortable shoes in addition to a backpack . The right shoe for a trip can easily be packed in your suitcase. Depending on which highlight is planned, additional errands may be necessary, which can be discussed with the teacher in advance. For a day at the sea or lake, for example, a beach towel or a small tent is needed, etc.

When packing, you should also ask the children what they find useful and what things absolutely need to be taken with them. Depending on the destination, children will need their ID or other documents when traveling abroad. Important documents can be stored in a neck pouch in a suitcase or travel bag.

pack properly for the school trip


Pay attention to certain needs: adapt the first aid kit and medication to the child

A toothbrush and deodorant are necessary for basic hygiene , the contents of the toiletry bag always depend on the age of the child, special cosmetics may be required, possibly accessories for celebrations or your own medication. A small first-aid kit is always a good idea; a few things like painkillers, blister plasters or medicine for motion sickness are helpful. Depending on the accommodation, bringing your own bed linen with you is a must for allergy sufferers; you can speak to the hostel or hostel in advance.

Ideally, the children have their own cell phone with WhatsApp installed so that they can regularly contact their parents and share impressions. It is also an advantage if the kids always  take some money with them , for example to buy something to eat and drink on the way or to bring back a souvenir.

If the children are brought home by bus, an extra key should be given, then the children are not dependent on the time and can go straight into the house. For additional security and peace of mind, parents can place a small GPS tracker for children in the child’s luggage , so adults have the opportunity to track their offspring via their cell phone. So you always know where the little ones are currently. GPS trackers are also ideal for potentially lost packages; they enable a quick search and show the exact position on the smartphone.

For a school trip to the youth hostel , some things are necessary in your luggage, others are mandatory and depend on the child and their needs. A packing list for the school hostel can help enormously with packing and ensures that nothing is forgotten.

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