Motorcycle trips

The dream of many motorcyclists is a motorcycle holiday . You can organize this yourself or contact a suitable agency for guided motorcycle tours . Individual holidays in unique places are wonderful, but there are a few things to consider. From booking to luggage in a possible support vehicle, bikers have a lot to consider. With a motorcycle you can travel flexibly to different regions and meet like-minded people, so it is possible to enjoy the landscape throughout Europe on two wheels. Due to personal planning, it doesn’t matter where the trip goes, for example to Greece or Scotland, motorcycle trips in the USA and Canada are also very popular. Classic travel destinations such as the Alps, areas on the coast or New Zealand offer motorcycle enthusiasts up close and personal the most beautiful regions in the world .

Plan a motorcycle trip

A motorcycle tour can be guided or self-guided; motorcyclists should plan carefully so that everything goes according to plan. Detailed advice can be obtained from platforms or travel agencies that specialize in such trips. What could be better for bikers than freedom on two wheels, winding roads and breathtaking views ?

Find and plan beautiful places for motorcycle trips

But before the trip there is preparation, which unfortunately cannot be avoided. No matter what type of trip you choose, the destination of the trip must first be determined. Of course, the experience of the traveler also plays a role here, whether they are a good, safe driver and already know their way around the destination country or can find their way around well.

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Plan your own trip by motorcycle

Once the destination has been determined, you can start planning the route . Here it must be clearly determined which route should be covered and in what time; ideally, several and even longer breaks are taken into account. This means the driver always has some buffer in case he overestimates himself or something unforeseen happens. It makes sense to divide the trip into daily stages starting from the starting point. Once the desired date has been set, the trip can be structured. You can work out and put together the route yourself on the computer using Google Maps, as well as possible breaks during which you can eat special delicacies in the restaurant or enjoy cultural highlights . The necessary accommodation must also be booked; if you do this early enough, you will benefit from special discounts.

However, if you want to let yourself go, you should at least book a starting hotel , so you definitely have a hotel and a permanent place to sleep at the beginning. To make the trip more flexible, the traveler can use a GPS tracker . This makes it possible to document the entire route and view it later. This can also be interesting when the next trip is coming up; the user then has access to previous data and possibly preferred routes.

The prerequisites for using a GPS device are good reception, an active SIM card, sufficient battery and a connected device. A GPS device also allows you to send your location to third parties, which can be helpful in emergency situations or if you lose your way. Due to its small size, the tracker can be easily transported or attached directly to the motorcycle. Some drivers already have such a device to protect their motorcycle from theft , but GPS trackers can do much more; they reliably store all calculations and the provider makes them available to the user digitally. They therefore function as a navigation device, a call for help and a travel diary at the same time .

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Guided motorcycle tours with a tour guide

Alternatively, travelers can rely on  offers from guides and agencies , which are  providers of guided motorcycle trips with experienced tour guides. Even if such a vacation sounds less exciting at first than a spontaneous excursion, users benefit from comprehensive service. Not only is the trip fully prepared and put together by motorcyclists, the agency is available to provide advice and support. Since the traveler always has a contact person available, he or she can enjoy the routes and experience an unforgettable trip without having to worry about anything.

What you need to consider when booking motorcycle trips

Individually planned motorcycle trips are a unique experience, but not possible without a little bureaucratic effort. It is therefore important that the necessary travel documents are with you on the journey, for example a passport, booking documents for hotels, and a printed list of the route with all stages are important and can help in emergency situations. While digital documents make it easier to transport luggage, they are not always available, especially when the internet is necessary. Anyone who considers all of these points will be rewarded with an unforgettable experience and travel through the most beautiful landscapes on their own motorcycle.

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