Category Archives: Person tracking

Person tracking – protecting people with dementia

pensioner with dementia disease having headache at 2022 12 16 16 45 44 utc 1199x800 - Person tracking - protecting people with dementia

Families with older members are often in conflict. On the one hand, they don’t want to deny the senior their independence and freedom , but on the other hand, they are worried, especially if the family member suffers from dementia. Such situations require an uncomplicated solution ; it is rarely possible to ensure security yourself around the clock and not […]

People tracking – everything you need to know

need help 2021 09 24 03 02 07 utc 1200x800 - People tracking - everything you need to know

Small children and older people require special protection and care. Usually a short moment is enough and they disappear from sight. It is impossible to keep an eye on playing children and people with dementia in particular around the clock. Children in particular want to discover and play undisturbed. If you want to have a clear conscience, you can use a GPS […]