Category Archives: counselor

Sledding with Children – What to Pay Attention to!

Schlittenfahren mit Kindern

As soon as temperatures drop and the first snow announces its arrival, all children look forward to being able to hit the slopes with their sleds again. Because this type of winter sport is only possible under certain conditions, when the time comes, one should make the most of it. Usually, between 5 and 10 centimeters of […]

CEP GPS – scattering circle radius and millimeter-precise GPS

CEP GPS und Positionsbestimmung

Because of its use in navigation, the GPS system is the most familiar to most people. But there is a lot more hidden behind this technology. In order to achieve high positioning accuracy, it is important that the conditions are right. Because GPS is no longer just used for navigation or determining a single position , a measurement offers much […]

Lost Flight Baggage – Lost or delayed baggage?

Koffer Track für verlorenes Fluggepäck

Shortly before the start of the package tour, not much can happen to the holidaymaker. Most people are looking forward to the long-awaited trip and have carefully planned how the vacation should go. In the worst case scenario, the flight may be delayed or luggage may be lost at the airport or during the trip. If this happens, it is […]

Azimuth GPS – what is it actually?

Mithilfe von Azimut wird in der Astronomie einer der beiden Koordinaten bestimmt, mit denen der Punkt der Himmelskugel im Koordinatensystem verortet wird. Gemeinsam mit dem Höhenwinkel wird die Blickrichtung beschrieben, in die der Beobachter an der angegebenen Position sieht. Für die Messung des Azimut werden der Winkel zwischen dem Nordpunkt und die Position des Himmelobjekts benötigt. […]

Geozone – What do geozones have to do with GPS?

Geozonen in der GPS-Technik

The term geozones are used to describe and classify different zones on the earth’s surface . In this case, a zone is a definable area of ​​certain natural phenomena. They are always arranged at the same latitudes, so the entire earth is full of comprehensive zones. Climate zones are the cause of all geozones that extend in a belt […]

Senior-friendly living: age-appropriate facility

ältere Menschen mit GPS schützen

For the majority of people, it is particularly important to lead an independent life even in old age. You want to stay in your own apartment for as long as possible. In order for living in old age to offer maximum comfort, the apartment or house must be adapted to the needs and need for care. It is also important that […]

Packing list for the school trip

Packliste für die Klassenfahrt

With the start of the new school year, parents have a few things to do. The children need new things for school and the next school trip is just around the corner . Basically, the packing list for the school trip should contain as much as necessary and as little as possible. The children must have all the important things with them, […]

Driving an e-scooter while drunk – penalties and alcohol limit?

Welche Strafen drohen, wenn man betrunken E-Scooter fährt

E-scooters have been approved for use on roads for some time and make everyday life easier for people in cities and rural areas. The electric scooters take the driver to their destination quickly at around 20 km/h and are used for short journeys and small errands. You can buy an e-scooter yourself or rent it if necessary. Even if an […]

E-scooter stolen – what should you do if it is stolen?

Was sind die ersten Schritte, wenn der E-Scooter weg ist

Since the summer of 2019, there have been electronically powered scooters that are street legal. Such electric scooters are very popular and offer the user many advantages. You can easily get around using a scooter, especially in the city. Short distances can be covered quickly without having to use the car or walk. Another advantage is their size; escooters are significantly […]

When do winter tires start – everything you need to know

Braucht man wirklich Winterreifen?

Most people determine the right time to swap summer tires for winter tires based on the rule of thumb “from O to O”, which means something like “ from Easter to October” . In principle, you are often right, but when winter road conditions occur earlier than expected, you are unprepared. When should you start putting on winter tires and […]