Category Archives: Blog

Increase car theft protection

car thief 2022 10 24 18 09 05 utc 1199x800 - Increase car theft protection

Car theft is still a major problem in Germany; every year several thousand vehicles are stolen by car thieves and sold illegally. No car is really safe, regardless of whether the car is parked in a garage or unprotected, theft even from your own property is not uncommon. You can protect your car against theft with a combination of different anti-theft devices . However, […]

Vehicle tracking company cars – Is employee monitoring permitted?

red delivery van in a row of white vans best expr 2021 09 03 16 17 03 utc 1400x700 - Vehicle tracking company cars - Is employee monitoring permitted?

Monitoring employees and company cars via GPS, that’s the legal situation! Many company vehicles are also released for private use, so monitoring the company car is generally only permitted during working hours. GPS monitoring of company cars outside of working hours is considered secret monitoring and is not legal. GPS trackers use information for location and data processing […]

Securing your e-bike – How to protect your e-bike from thieves

cropped shot of male biker in helmet and gloves ch 2021 08 31 05 18 51 utc 1200x800 - Securing your e-bike - How to protect your e-bike from thieves

Many bicycles are stolen every year , and thieves not only target mountain bikes, but also high-quality e-bikes. Most stolen bikes are no longer found but are sold on directly; the owner rarely has a chance of getting the bike back. An expensive e-bike and Pedelec in particular represents an investment for the buyer, so owners of an e-bike should do […]

Person tracking – protecting people with dementia

pensioner with dementia disease having headache at 2022 12 16 16 45 44 utc 1199x800 - Person tracking - protecting people with dementia

Families with older members are often in conflict. On the one hand, they don’t want to deny the senior their independence and freedom , but on the other hand, they are worried, especially if the family member suffers from dementia. Such situations require an uncomplicated solution ; it is rarely possible to ensure security yourself around the clock and not […]

How does GPS tracking work?

satellite communications dish 2022 09 19 21 43 56 utc 533x800 - How does GPS tracking work?

By default, every smartphone now has a GPS chip; it can receive GPS signals and be used like a GPS device for GPS location. The user benefits from many advantages; he can determine, use and forward his own position and current location. Conventional GPS receivers are also gaining more and more users, for example athletes, cyclists, drivers and hikers use the […]

Asset Tracking – What is it anyway?

textile warehouse storing materials 2021 08 29 00 49 18 utc 1200x800 - Asset Tracking - What is it anyway?

With the help of modern technology, companies can optimize processes and procedures , holistic solutions support everyday life, ensure efficient processing and promote the development of Industry 4.0 . Importance of Asset Tracking Asset tracking describes a new and innovative technology that is used, among other things, in production and logistics companies to specifically control assets, i.e. operating resources. This means […]

Locate cars for free with GPS – does it even work?

young man using gps service navigation app on smar 2022 12 16 09 24 28 utc 1200x800 - Locate cars for free with GPS - does it even work?

GPS systems are particularly reliable and increase the theft protection of vehicles . Once they are stolen, the owner rarely gets them back. It therefore makes sense to protect the car in advance to deter thieves. But GPS devices are considered expensive and often involve monthly fees . Which option is best for vehicle tracking always depends on the owner’s ideas. Free […]

GPS tracker legal basis – when is tracking legal?

grass 2022 11 09 06 19 10 utc 1089x800 - GPS tracker legal basis - when is tracking legal?

GPS makes everyday life easier in many areas, private and professional. It is useful to know both the location and route of your family members when making plans. Companies also use the many advantages of GPS devices , so they can be used to optimize planning and adjust routes. However, the use of such a device is not always permitted; […]

Why GPS trackers for school bags are so important

rear view of schoolgirls with backpacks running to 2022 12 16 21 05 24 utc 1199x800 - Why GPS trackers for school bags are so important

Children should grow up to be independent personalities, but they also need protection. In order to find the balance here, GPS trackers for children offer a good opportunity to let them grow up independently. There is now also a large selection of these devices for children that can be quickly located and tracked. For example, you can use a GPS […]

Location technology – what is it anyway?

space satellite orbiting the blue planet 2021 09 01 00 27 16 utc 1200x800 - Location technology - what is it anyway?

Location and tracking play a role in many situations in life, at home and also outdoors, various location technologies make it possible to determine a location . With the help of tracking, the position of a person or object is determined and reproduced in relation to the observer. These systems are primarily used for navigation, locating people or objects, and protecting […]